Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Worship Is Intimacy

Growing in our ability to hear from God starts with worship. Worship is not limited to sanctuaries or praise music. It is the intentional turning of our hearts and affections towards the Lord. Communicate your love, adoration, and praise to Him in your own special way. It is impossible for your Daddy not to respond.

My daughter has a habit of telling secrets to me. She will say, “I have a secret for you”. Then she gets really close to my ear and whispers, “Love you, Daddy”. It gets me every time. I thank her and then do the same thing to her. Then she wants to do it again and this goes back and forth for a couple minutes until we are laughing, snuggling, and kissing. This is the heart of worship. When we come to our Father as a little child, He is naturally drawn to us and eager to whisper secrets in our ear.

"Love you, Abigail!"

"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:4

1 comment:

Shunshine Girl said...

could she be any sweeter?! I love the illustration.