Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Unaborted Life

Throughout history, society has gone through periods of great deception concerning the sanctity of human life. Slaves were viewed as less than human and treated like property. Native Americans were considered savages and killed like wild animals. Jews were exterminated by the millions because people were indoctrinated to believe they were an inferior race. Thankfully the majority of the world now recognizes the depravity and horror of such beliefs. Unfortunately another deception is still blinding the eyes and hearts of billions of people around the world. It is the lie that a baby in the womb is not a human life.

According to the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, there are approximately 42 millions abortions performed each year worldwide. That is over 115,000 abortions each day! The reason why this atrocity occurs is because people have been deceived from the truth that a human life resides in the womb of a pregnant woman. Can you imagine someone in America today possessing a black slave or killing a Native American? Not too long ago this was an everyday reality, today it would be a prosecutable offense. There will be a day when abortion will be viewed the same way. In order to get there we need people fighting and praying for the truth to be revealed.

Most people don't really consider that the millions of babies killed in the womb would have grown up to be part of society. In recent times, some well-known individuals have made a case for the unaborted life. Susan Boyle, the star of Britain's Got Talent, has revealed in a new autobiography that doctors had told her mother to abort her because they thought the pregnancy was risky. They recommended a “termination” to Bridget Boyle because they feared physical complications. Mrs. Boyle rejected this advice because of her Catholic faith. When Susan was born by emergency c-section, doctors did not congratulate her mother but took a dismissive view of Susan's life – especially when they suspected brain damage due to oxygen deprivation. “‘It’s probably best to accept Susan will never be anything,” Boyle recounted the doctors telling her mother. “‘Susan will never come to anything so don’t expect too much of her.’”

College football star Tim Tebow (now in the NFL) revealed that doctors recommended abortion to his mother after she became sick in the Philippines. Tebow’s story was featured in a 30-second ad spot purchased for last year's Super Bowl.

Italian singer Andrea Bocelli also revealed that doctors recommended abortion to his mother after she experienced an attack of appendicitis, making it likely that her son would be born with a disability. Andrea may be blind but his voice is angelic.

As these individuals testify, human life is worth fighting for. May we be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and defend the cause of life!

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." II Corinthians 10:3-5