Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Voice of God

As a child I was constantly exposed to classical music because my family loved it. Whether at home or in the car I would beg my parents to change the radio station because I thought classical music was so boring! When we went to symphony concerts I would usually fall asleep because it all sounded the same to me. Thankfully, my parents persisted and I started playing the violin and joining orchestras. I began to learn the subtleties of the music. Whereas before I would hear a jumbled mess, I was developing an ability to identify specific instruments, follow the rhythm, embrace dynamic nuances, and experience the heart of pieces. Today classical music is my favorite genre. I am moved, inspired, and uplifted by its beauty. It speaks to me. In the same way, God’s voice is like high art. Unintelligible and strange to untrained senses, those who are willing to pursue Him will soon become more adept at listening and understanding.

Too often people get frustrated and stop trying to listen for God’s voice after many seemingly failed attempts. My encouragement is do not give up! It is easy to get discouraged and start believing that God does not communicate clearly or that you are incapable of hearing Him. Faith is then reduced to one-sided prayers and obedience to a set of religious principles rather than a relationship based on love and communication. Make it a priority to get to know the Good Shepherd's voice. We are merely wandering without it.

"...his sheep follow him because they know his voice." John 10:4