Monday, January 31, 2011

Back to Blogging

Happy 2011! We are finally settled in to our new home in Pasadena. The past two and half years living in Redding was the best season of my life and it's only getting better. Jenney and the kids are adjusting well being back in Southern California. It is wonderful to reconnect with friends and family. We are excited for this next chapter. I am changing the name of this blog from "New Beginnings" to "My Father's Son". This is a double meaning of honoring Jesus as God's son and walking out my identity as a son of God. Going to Bethel was truly a new beginning, almost a rebirth. Now that we have been sent out, the beginning is past and the story continues. The Father's heart is now the center of my life and ministry. I am passionately committed to love my Dad and bring people into the family. Looking forward to sharing how this unfolds!

City Hall in downtown Pasadena

Please pray for...
Revival in Pasadena and Southern California
Favor and wisdom for our next assignment
Divine connections, relationships, and community
Health, protection, and joy for our family
Intimacy with the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit