Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Stages of Our Identity

People are born separated from God because of sin. They are sinners who, by their nature, are prone to sin. Jesus calls them slaves to sin (cf. John 8:34). Paul teaches that because of Christ we have been set free from sin and are now slaves to righteousness (cf. Romans 6:18). This is why we call Jesus "Master" and "Lord". It is the posture of a servant. This is the first level or stage of our redeemed identity.

Although we always maintain a humble heart of service to the Lord, Jesus invites us to a higher level of intimacy. The second stage of our identity is friendship. In John 15:15, Jesus tells his disciples, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." A slave serves out of fear, duty, or sometimes even honor but a friend serves out of love.

The third stage of our identity is the revelation of sonship. At the end of the day, a friend goes home but a son stays with his father. Sons and daughters are flesh and blood. They receive an inheritance and are beloved by their dad. They even look like him. It is usually the dream of a son to grow up to be just like his daddy.

The fourth and final stage of our identity is as the bride of Christ. Sons and daughters eventually grow up and leave their father's house but a spouse remains until the end. There is no greater or more intimate bond than a husband and wife. This is the mystery Paul talks about in Ephesians 5:31-32.

The highest revelation of our identity- Bride

The level or stage of identity we view ourselves will dictate how we experience and relate to God. For instance, if we are in the first stage of slave, we will usually experience God as a master. Our connection will most likely be based on trying to please Him through works or acts of service. It is our destiny to progress through these stages until we have a passionate, undying, and mature love for Jesus. I will address the bridal revelation in the next post but no matter what stage we are at, we can grow in our love and understanding. Let us make every effort to experience God not just as a master or friend but also a Father and lover!

"Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave." Song of Songs 8:6

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