Jesus has a remarkable conversation with the crowds who followed him in John 6. After Jesus miraculously fed the 5000, many of the same people who ate the fish and loaves tracked him down in Capernaum. There they talked with Jesus about bread and manna. When Jesus declared he was the bread of life who came down from heaven, the Jews began to grumble because he claimed to come from heaven even though they knew his earthly father and mother. Hearing their struggle over his words, Jesus decided to challenge them further by announcing that the bread was his flesh. This caused a great argument to arise from the crowd as more people were becoming upset. Jesus did not stop there but added that it was necessary to drink his blood in order to have eternal life. Christians can understand his words because we stand on the other side of the cross, but the Jews could not grasp what Jesus was saying. In fact, many of his disciples were so offended that they turned back and no longer followed him.
It is amazing that Jesus did not chase after his disciples and explain what he really meant by those graphic and strange words. He did not seem concerned that people were leaving. In fact, it appears that Jesus was purposely trying to confuse his disciples. He was intentionally offending their minds in order to reveal their hearts! He turned to the Twelve and asked if they wanted to leave as well. Simon Peter responded, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." In one sense Peter was saying, "Jesus, we don't know what you're talking about but we do know that when you speak something inside of us comes alive". Often the things that God says or does can be mysterious, confounding, and downright offensive. It is our responsibility to get past any mental offense and trust Him. We have a choice when confronted with challenging words or actions from the Lord- we can either stay offended or commit to seeking Him more. When we choose the latter, we position ourselves for greater intimacy and encounters.
"The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life." John 6:63
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