Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Building the Church v. Making Disciples

There is a subtle yet pervasive pressure among church leaders to grow their congregations or ministries. Sometimes the expectation is obvious as when pastors seem to emphasize numbers more than maturity. Believers tend to revere mega-churches and try to emulate their programs or strategies hoping for similar results. However, it is not our job to "build the church". Jesus said he would do it (cf. Matthew 16:18). Our responsibility is to make disciples.

Joel Osteen preaching at Lakewood Church

Jesus is our model for what true discipleship looks like. He submitted himself to the Father and walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus taught, healed, and delivered people. He commissioned his followers to do the same. True disciples look like their teacher. When the Church does what Jesus did, growth is inevitable. Jesus never had a marketing strategy or even invited people to come to his meetings, yet he always attracted crowds. As we learn to walk in the authority and power of Jesus, obeying his command to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, and cast out demons (cf. Matthew 10:8), there will not be enough room in our churches to handle the masses who come. My prayer is that the Church will focus less on attendance and more on how to be and make good disciples.

"These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also..." Acts 17:6 (KJV)

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