We give you praise for your goodness. You are the best daddy in the whole world. Thank you for your love, grace, and joy. Father, we come before you because our hearts are burdened by what is transpiring throughout the world, especially in Japan. We read the reports and see the images of devastation, death, and despair. Lord, what the enemy has meant for evil we ask that you will bring about for good. We intercede for the countless injured and missing. Send your angels to minister to them. Help the lost to be found. Reunite the separated with their loved ones. We pray healing for those in pain- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Holy Spirit, as the tsunami waters brought waves of destruction may your Spirit bring waves of wholeness and hope. May the land of the rising sun become the land of the rising Son!

We speak peace upon the land and command no more aftershocks. We even ask for warmer weather to help the people during this time of mourning and rebuilding. We declare there will be no nuclear disasters from any of their power plants. May a spirit of compassion and generosity rise up from the world and cause aid, support, encouragement, hope, and love to flow into the nation of Japan. Thank you that individuals, families, and nations are responding. The United States has sent a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and several destroyers to Japan for assistance. Thank you that our armed forces are being used in this way and not for war. We take this as a prophetic act that peace and unity are on the horizon. The military even named their efforts "Operation Tomodachi" (Japanese for friendship). Jesus, our Prince of Peace, stir the hearts of people to seek after you. Create a hunger for your presence to swing open wide the doors to your Kingdom. May revival fall! We need your supernatural touch more than ever. Let the Church rise up in power, authority, and love to bring transformation to the broken. Even in the face of despair, we will press in for victory! We praise you, Jesus! Amen!
If you would like to make a donation to the relief efforts in Japan through Mercy Corps, please click here. Thank you!
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
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