There is a move of the Spirit in the world today that is building faith communities centered around family rather than doctrine. Denominationalism is about gathering people through shared beliefs. If anyone disagrees with a basic tenet than that individual is either rejected or breaks off to find/start a church that believes the same thing. This has happened so many times throughout history that there are thousands of different denominations in existence today. Churches gathered around mothers and fathers don't break apart if there are disagreements. They work through them because a son isn't disowned for believing something different than his parents. Obviously there are core beliefs of the Christian faith but many of the divisions within the church are often caused by relational issues- believers unable or unwilling to resolve differences. We pray that spiritual mothers and fathers will be raised up to guide, nurture, protect, and release sons and daughters to walk in their divine destiny. May the Spirit of unity blow through the Church to bring reconciliation, healing, and oneness so that the family of God may be restored and Jesus' own prayer be fulfilled!
"Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name- the name you gave me- so that they may be one as we are one." John 17:11
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