Friday, April 3, 2009

Treasure Hunt Healing

Today my small group decided to go on a treasure hunt at a local crafts store in Redding. We didn't fill out a treasure map but simply went up to people who we felt God was highlighting to us. I saw an older woman (~50 years old) walking around with a subtle limp so I just took a risk and when up to her with my friend Alan. We introduced ourselves and explained what we were doing and asked if she (Marcie) needed prayer for anything. Marcie told us that she had torn a ligament in her knee and was scheduled for surgery in a few days. She gave us permission to pray for her knee right in the store and we just lifted up a short prayer commanding all the ligaments, tendons, and muscles to be restored. Afterwards we asked her to test it out and she could actually feel something different. She no longer walked with a limp and was able to move it in ways she could not just moments earlier with no pain! Marcie was deeply touched and excited to share her news to her family when she got home. God is so good!

"He used his servant body to carry our sins to the Cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wounds became your healing." I Peter 2:24 (The Message)

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