Saturday, April 4, 2009

Faith and the Miraculous

When Jesus returned to his hometown of Nazareth in Mark 6, it is noteworthy that "he couldn’t do any miracles among them because of their unbelief, except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them. And Jesus was amazed" (vv. 5-6).

Jesus is our healer

The lack certainly wasn't on the part of Jesus. He walked in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit, as was evident in his interactions with many people throughout the gospels. In fact, Jesus healed everyone who sought him. The difference with the Nazerites was their failure to fully accept and believe the Messiah. The reason our beliefs are so important is because faith is the catalyst to release the supernatural. If we are not experiencing healings, miracles, and wonders in our Christian walk, could it be a sign that our beliefs are not completely in line with what Jesus taught?

"Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Romans 12:2 (NLT)

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