Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Today marks the commemoration of Passover when the Lord delivered his people from bondage in Exodus 12. Though this is a Jewish holiday all Christians should recognize this occasion because of its prophetic significance in the ministry of Christ. What the Jews experienced in Egypt foreshadows what takes place in every person's life who comes to Jesus. Thank you, Father, for giving us freedom, life, hope, and purpose through your Son!

This is an excerpt of an article from the Caleb Company regarding Passover:

On this day, 3500 years ago, lambs were slaughtered throughout Goshen in Egypt,
Hyssop brushes stroked Jewish doorposts with lamb's blood.
The children of Israel met quietly,
Sequestered behind their bloodstained doors,
Waiting to be delivered from 400 years of slavery.

On this night, 3500 years ago, the Lord went through the land looking for blood on doorposts.
There was a great deliverance, a pass-over.
Firstborn sons were slain in houses where there was no blood.
Wailing and mourning was heard when judgement came in Egypt.

On this night, 3500 years ago, freedom was proclaimed in Israel.
Firstborn sons of believing Israel were spared through the blood of the lamb.
The lamb's blood painted on doorposts brought freedom.
The wealth of Egypt became the wealth of Israel.
Shouts of joy were heard as Moses led Israel out of Egypt.

On this night, 3500 years ago, the exodus from Egypt came suddenly.
For 3500 years faithful servants of God have remembered this night.

On this day, 2000 years ago, another Lamb was slain,
Human hearts were stroked with Lamb's blood and freed from centuries of slavery.

On this day, 2000 years ago, the Lord began to look for Lamb's blood on the doorposts of hearts.
There was a great deliverance - a passing over.

On this day, 2000 years ago, wealth was restored to the sons of Adam,
Another Moses led another Israel out of another Egypt.

On this day, 2000 years ago, Lamb's blood on the doorposts of hearts brought freedom.

Today, Lamb's blood is still found on human hearts.
Deliverance is found behind a blood-stained door.

If the doorpost of your heart is stained with Lamb's blood, have a glorious Passover.
If not, grab quickly the hyssop and look for the Lamb's blood.

The exodus will come suddenly!

The Lamb who was slain has risen and will return as King of kings and Lord of lords!

“This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD—a lasting ordinance." Exodus 12:14

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