Monday, April 18, 2011

Miracles in Sunday School

Yesterday my wife and I taught our first Sunday school class for the church we are currently attending. Jenney led our son's 4-5 year old class while I had the combined 1st-5th grade students. The lesson was on Jesus' death on the cross. I taught the 25 kids that Jesus not only died for our sins but also for our physical healing. Then we had a demonstration. I called out some words of knowledge and one young girl had one leg shorter than the other. We gathered around her to pray and as she was sitting, we held her feet and her left leg shot out about 1/2 an inch to become even with her right! The kids were amazed because they had never witnessed the power of God before their eyes through a miracle, they had only heard about them from Bible stories. I encouraged the kids to pray for one another and God also healed a shoulder, leg, and foot!

There is something special about teaching children the supernatural ways of the Holy Spirit. They are natural dreamers and haven't been completely educated out of believing the miraculous. My prayer is that there will be a transformation in Children's Ministry away from mere transfer of information or even baby-sitting, to an impartation and activation of their faith to become world-changing revivalists. They don't have a junior Holy Spirit. They can defeat the works of the enemy, heal the sick, cast out demons, prophesy, and preach the gospel. We just have to model it for them.

"Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Isaiah 53:5

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