Monday, March 23, 2009

The Goodness of God

Many of us have probably heard of the phrase "God is good" followed by the response "All the time". We may have even been commanded to repeat this statement over and over and in different patterns until it becomes ingrained in our minds that God truly is good all the time.

A foundational theological principle

Until this year, I never fully understood the implications of this simple idea. It really means that there is never a time when God is not good. In this way, we can sincerely give thanks to our Heavenly Father in all circumstances (cf. I Thess. 5:18) because his character and nature never changes. It also implies that we are never justified in being angry at God. When we really accept and experience his goodness, we will be changed. No matter how good you believe God is, He's better than you think. That should make you happy!

"I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence." Exodus 33:19

1 comment:

ekang said...

we have been experiencing the goodness of God through the not so great times, and i definitely have a better understanding of this.