Friday, September 12, 2008

Parenting for a Purpose

Being a parent is a limitless joy and a daily test of character, more than I ever imagined. I not only have greater respect for parenting but also those families with more than two children. The game plan changes with every additional child. With one child, parents can press. Two children moves you to a man to man defense. Three or more kids and you are required to go into an undermanned zone. Whatever defensive scheme we employ, our goal is the same in parenting- raising godly offspring. In fact the Bible teaches this is one of the main purposes of marriage. Malachi 2:15 in the Message says:

"God, not you, made marriage. His Spirit inhabits even the smallest details of marriage. And what does he want from marriage? Children of God, that's what. So guard the spirit of marriage within you."

What a serious and divine calling we have to train our young people to love and serve God. It is becoming more clear that my relationship with Jesus influences my children's relationship with Jesus. My passion, faithfulness, devotion, worship, and sacrifice are the foundation for their growth in the Lord. It is a humbling thought. I have also heard that, in a spiritual sense, the parents' ceiling is the children's floor. This means that Isaac can begin his faith journey at the point of his parents' faith,
thus giving him the potential to go further than us. Another way to understand this principle is using the analogy of science and technology. Our generation "stands on the shoulders" or benefits from the advances and discoveries of those who came before us. We have moved from candles and lanterns to light bulbs and flashlights to lasers and fiber optics. In this way, we should expect progress from future generations. May the Holy Spirit empower us to raise up our children to even greater faith, love, worship, and advancement of the Kingdom of God!

Our kids growing in passion for the Lord

1 comment:

ekang said...

thank you for your great posts! i'm one of Jenney's college friends. i loved your sports analogy using man to man, etc. i've just got one, and it's definitely a challenge raising kids up in this world. EHK loves praising the Lord, and it's so evident that Abigail and Isaac to as well. i've been reading your blogs to keep up on your lives since we're so far away. thanks!
tell jenney thanxs for EHK's bday gift! she's too thoughtful!