Saturday, August 30, 2008

Isaac = "He Laughs"

Jenney and I are trying to train Isaac up in the faith. Some days it is a monumental challenge and other times we feel like he needs to train us. What's exciting is that he is so much further along in his relationship with God than I was at his age. He enjoys singing praises, praying for healing, and giving thanks to God for various things that may happen throughout the day. I still remember last November I had a fresh scar on my elbow from an injury. Isaac, who was less than 2 years old at the time, came up to me, laid his hands on my scar and said, "We need to pray for Daddy's aya-aya (Korean for boo-boo)". I was in total shock.

Isaac laying hands on Daddy for healing

God even used Isaac to confirm our call to Redding. Earlier this year Jenney expressed her desire to get personal confirmation regarding our move, especially since I had already received three separate words that we were to move. We prayed that God would speak to Jenney and not long after that, something very humorous happened. Jenney took Isaac to the Pasadena Public Library for their weekly story time for children. After the group activity, Isaac likes to go by himself to pick out books to read with Jenney. This one morning he selected two books: "We're Moving" and "The Great Migration". The first book is a children's story to help kids understand and prepare for the transition of moving. The second book is based on the true story of African-Americans migrating from the south to the north in search of a better life during World War I. When Jenney saw the books she knew that God was giving her confirmation of our move to Northern California.

The two books Isaac picked out by himself

Three things stood out from this experience. First, we had never spoken to Isaac about moving or talked about moving in front of him. Second, just a couple weeks before this happened, I had an opportunity to hear the Senior Pastor of Bethel Church (Bill Johnson) speak at a conference at Harvest Rock Church. During his message, he shared the principle of how God speaks to us through children and gave personal illustrations of his own kids and grandkids. Third, I thought this was a unique and fun way to bless our family and even prepare Isaac for the move. We wound up buying the books and Isaac loved to read "We're Moving". He memorized half the story. I was curious, so I asked him directly, "Isaac, what do you think about moving to Redding?" He looked at me and said, "We are moving to Redding!"

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.
From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise..." Psalm 8:1-2

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