Monday, February 28, 2011

The Rungs of the Church Ladder

There is a ladder illustration used to describe the various types of people who come to church based on their primary area of focus or involvement. The first or lowest rung of the ladder represents men and women who come for personal needs. How will this church meet my needs? Do they have a good children's ministry for my kids? These are the types of questions someone on the first rung of the ladder asks. There is nothing wrong with this but it is the responsibility of the leaders to encourage people to climb the ladder.

The second rung of the ladder symbolizes the church itself. These are people who are passionately dedicated to building up the church. They serve on committees, sing in the choir, make food, usher, and even clean the bathrooms. Second-rung members are often faithful in attendance, giving, and service. Every congregation desires these types of individuals but it is the responsibility of the leaders to challenge them to climb higher on the church ladder.

The third rung of the ladder represents community. People on this rung recognize that ministry must extend beyond the walls of the church and into the surrounding neighborhood. These members get involved with evangelism, feeding the poor, and helping the homeless. They realize that faith without deeds is dead and therefore intentionally demonstrate their faith even to non-believers. As amazing as these people are, it is the responsibility of the leaders to instill a vision for climbing even higher.

The fourth rung of the ladder is about nations. These members understand that the gospel must go out into the entire world and the church should impact the nations. This is more than an effort to send out short-term mission teams or raise up missionaries. Fourth rung believers embrace the Great Commission and believe their mandate is not simply to make disciples in all nations but to ultimately disciple nations. The body of Christ is called to transform society, advancing the kingdom of heaven with signs, wonders, and supernatural love in the power of the Holy Spirit. Leaders are entrusted with the responsibility to convey this vision and help the body reach the top of the ladder. May we become a Church of fourth-rung history makers!

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." Matthew 28:19

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